Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pieces of May | Monthly Round-Up

Hello, Hola, Koni'nichiwa! It's been a while since I've written on here. i'm getting May's monthly post up a week early because come this time next week, i'll be in...wait for it...New York! It's going to be my first time visiting the East Coast and my excitement level is through the roof. I'll be in  New York for seven days and my girl friends and i have planned lots of fun things to do. Of course, everything you do in New York is fun. Before every major trip, i always look forward to packing. Call me strange, but i thoroughly enjoy packing. I'm being completely serious about this. I'm the kind of person who will pack days in advance and repack constantly. Some may see it as unnecessary and excessive, i honestly think it's a little obsessive, but i can't help it. Packing builds anticipation for the trip and my logic is that the sooner i start on the packing, the closer i'll feel to leaving. My flight lands in New York at midnight tonight, and i don't think i'll be able to fully process the fact that i'm on the other side of the coast until the next day. On the verge of being delirious? i think so.

#1 thing on my bucket list

A quick guide for my upcoming New York trip

...and another one

Indie pop = absolute love

 Baked a cake for Mother's Day, inspired by this beauty

a major splurge