Hi there! Today I wanted to give you a peek into my
collective clothing haul from boohoo.com. I discovered this UK based website a
while back when I was mindlessly looking through online stores trying to find
one that offered good-quality merchandise and free shipping. What I like about Boohoo is that it has a
variety of unique items, setting itself apart from a typical clothing store
that’s geared towards young adults. And I fell in love with it ever since. I always find something I like when I'm on their website. The cherry on top to all of this is that the last time I checked, the site offers free shipping with no minimum purchase. Also, I once cancelled an order right after placing it and I was pleased to find that the refund was successfully processed within 3-4 days. I must admit though, a small part of me is waiting for
that one catch, but for now, I am very satisfied with my Boohoo experience.
Below are the items I purchased from boohoo. Because they were purchased with special discounts and promotions, I don't think they can be found online anymore. But that doesn’t
mean the good bargains are gone!
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Cropped top, knotted $5 |
Gold sequined owl top $8 |
Chiffon skater dress $17 |
Floral print blouse $36 |
Embellished high-low dress $20 |
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