I've been on a pretty good streak of loving all the Trader Joe's products that I tried so far, but streaks can't last forever, right? Because this time around it was a big miss for me in the cereal department.
I wasn't prepared to see the fall-themed snacks disappear from the shelves so when I spotted this Trader Joe's Pumpkin O's in the store after Christmas (it was one of the few fall snacks still left in stores), I grabbed a box without a second thought. I mean, look at the adorable box cover, doesn't it remind you of everything that's sweet and wonderful about fall? No? Just me? I was looking forward to trying it, thinking that the taste would bring me back to the fall season. Clearly I wasn't ready to let go of the fall season. Winter just seems too dreary in comparison.
The pumpkin waffles I tried in October did not disappoint so I had high expectations for the cereal, which is simply another version of Cheerios. Note to self: never have high expectations about pumpkin-flavored cereal. I like my cereal on the soggier side, and maybe it's due to the fact that the cereal is made from brown rice and other healthy ingredients, but the texture and flavor didn't cut it for me. After drenching it in milk, the cereal was still hard and crunchy. It lacked the rich pumpkin flavor, and left a sugary aftertaste. I'll probably be avoiding this for the years to come as I think about the lesson that's to be learned here: don't fall for the cute packaging.
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1 out of 5
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